Aura Vanderwal has been gardening and painting since she was young. As the seasons have passed, her talent has grown and has been finely tuned in detail and expression. The love of capturing a moment, feeling, and certain characteristics, brings her portraits to life. Using different mediums, she prefers black watercolor for portraits to showcase the expression best. Her work is in private collections throughout North America. Living in many places in Canada Aura now calls the West Coast of BC home.

Why the Garden
Focusing on each individual life, the aspects of a garden are all around us. From the prepping of the soil to the planting of the seed, and the enjoyment of that harvest integrated into our life; makes this journey as diverse and unique as each of our faces! Every one of us has our own amazing journey and has been given a life unique and unlike the next. It’s a garden out there! All of us making a beautiful array of color, scent, flora and fauna! – Aura